Monday, January 10, 2005



Robert Kennedy.
A Freelance Journalist a Poet and Composer. Robert has been writing text and music for 30 years. He has had several articles published in arts magazines, and the Sydney Morning Herald. Robert also manages the poetry group DiVerse; who transcribe visual art into poetry, such as an Ekphrasis. DiVerse have had over 30 performances and produced Ten booklets of poetry and images with most of Australia's leading art and cultural institutions. Here is a link for the DiVerse Blog.

Two of the DiVerse projects have been produced by the ABC into radio programs for PoeticA.

Robert as a composer has had some of his music used in the Sydney Observatory DVD 3D production, Observing Sydney. Other peices have been performed by amature orchestras and choirs. He composed two soundtracks for DiVerse events. He plays the piano and creates post classical and electronic music .

Robert has a booklet of poetry and images with photographer Patricia Verstappen. A Symphonic Poem of Sydney Royal Botanical Gardens, which will be performed for the Friends of the RBG later in 2005, and the booklet will be on sale in their bookshop.

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